$140.00 USD

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The Journey of Transformation: Moving Through Life’s Transitions-Two Payment Option

Ground zero.  That place where the old no longer fits and the new way of being hasn’t shown up yet.  It can feel like you are being torn apart, like you don’t belong in your own life. This happens to a certain degree with all our life’s transitions.

 There is a structure to a transition that creates our transformation when we let go and allow. This transformation changes and shapes us on all levels, including energetically and in our DNA.

Transitions are an agreement we made a long time ago to evolve and are part of our Soul’s agenda. All are designed to help us let go of identifying with who we are not and aligning with who we truly are.

 They can include the obvious, divorce, death, loss of job, moving, new career, retirement. They often start on the inner levels, letting go of an old pattern or addiction, healing old wounds or trauma, loving yourself on a deeper level, opening more to Spirit.

Life itself is the grandest transition set up by our Soul to move us from a place of sleep to remembering our true nature. Our journey is designed to help us to surrender and remember.

Whatever the transition, there are certain questions in each that we consciously or unconsciously answer.  The Soul and the human level often have different answers.

  1. Who am I now, or who will I be?  Opening to the essence of who you are without people/situations/patterns that had defined you.
  2. Am I Safe-Where is my sense of safety when the world as I know it is fading away. (or, maybe feeling like it’s being blown apart)
  3. Am I Enough? Am I enough to start over, to be/do more, to expand into my greater self?
  4. How can I let go of what no longer serves me? Learning acceptance, tools for letting go. Reclaiming parts stuck in past transitions.
  5. Why is this happening? The eternal search for a reason.  Learning to stop looking for life to make sense or follow our expectations. Looking at your life from a Higher perspective.
  6. What is my next step:  Clarity, courage, next steps for your life. What is your vision for yourself and your life?

Each week we will do processes and meditations with that week’s question as the theme.  Answering from both the Soul’s and Ego’s point of view. The information during class and work in between classes will assist you to go deeper inside to find the answers, on whatever level you’re on.

 We will also be clearing energetically and working with DNA to help move forward and expand. This class is designed to give you the tools to assist you in whatever transition you may be going through now, but also for the future.

Class meets Six Saturdays: January 14, 21, 28, February 4, 11, 18 from 9:00-10:30 am MST 

* Since each class will be recorded, there are no refunds.
* This class is not a substitute for individual therapy.  If you are in individual therapy and have concerns about how the class might affect that, please contact me [email protected] or call (402) 968-3894.