What if you lived your life from a place of joy, connected to the Divine within you?
About Dixie

"My intention is to live a soul centered life and to assist others on that same path."
Dr. Dixie Clark
I have spent my whole life wanting to know myself on a deeper level and to open to my soul’s expression. My spiritual path and training has helped me see how all of the experiences and people in our lives are designed to deepen our connection to Spirit and to awaken the Divine in us. The focus of my life is to be devoted to the loving within me and around me, and to let go of anything that would block me from bringing my True Self forward. My work is guided by Spirit and is in service to others.
I believe that each of us has a specific life purpose, with lessons we’re here to learn and unique gifts we’re here to develop and share. When we learn to honor all parts of ourselves, and align on all levels with what we want, absolute magic occurs. I am deeply committed to this process of transformation, and grateful to have it be my life’s work.
Doctorate in Spiritual Science, Peace Theological Seminary - 2014
Masters in Spiritual Science, Peace Theological Seminary - 2008
Masters in Counseling, University of Nebraska at Omaha - 1982
Licensed Counselor-Nebraska - 1994
Registered Psychotherapist-Colorado - 2013
Ordained Minister - 2006
Certified Health Practitioner and Trainer-Neuro Linguistic Programming
Certified Noetic Field Practitioner
Aura balancing
Healing from the Body Level Up
Healing the Inner Family
Matrix Energetics
Energy Psychology
Along with the formal education, I have over 35 years experience and training in mind/body techniques. I offer a unique blend of Spirituality, psychology and energy healing to help people release emotional blocks, heal past trauma, and change limiting beliefs to open to their soul’s expression. My experience includes working with individuals, couples and groups on a variety of issues. I have found that we get out of balance as a result of separating from our Loving and moving into a place of judgment of ourselves or others. My work involves assisting people to open up to their loving nature, to let go of what no longer serves them and to find a sense of meaning and purpose to their lives.